Here is page 39 from my book, LOVING MOTHER EARTH: Integrating Environmentalism and Spirituality. The news about the reality of the emergency facing us is all over and denied by fewer and fewer people. Why the growing anxiety? Because we are feeling the tangible effects at home. Every region of the USA, and the world, is being impacted today. I'm on going into the data because you know them already.
We live in a "post-truth" world and much has been written about that. All sorts of reasons for that but it can be boiled down to the evolution of human consciousness. As more and more people bring their diverse world views and cultures to the table there is no longer one-single-truth, one single perspective that is "right." And those who yet have a more traditional worldview are resisting this diversification of truth. Hence, gridlock. But then "the weather changes" and our bodies and minds can sense the difference. That is tangible truth. In the face of our shared Global Environmental Emergency we, as individuals and as communities, are called to grow beyond our separate-self-ego. We have to grow beyond being takers to being givers, beyond being consumers to being conservators. Grow yourself spiritually and you will be LOVING MOTHER EARTH. Live in the whole world, not just your private, separate space. Make new decisions, and act accordingly. Environmentalism and Spirituality
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AuthorDr. Andy Atwood, author of the book LOVING MOTHER EARTH: Integrating Environmentalism and Spirituality. Engage me in a conversation by EMAILING ME HERE
July 2021
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